Odor Removers
When it comes to odor removers, you want to make sure that your product doesn’t just cover up the problems but that it destroys the odor entirely.
Sentinel’s full line of odor removers reduces the strong odors associated with restoration, including mold, mildew, and smoke. Our environmentally-safe products can be used on hard surfaces as well as soft goods and machine-washable items.
Whatever your project, we have a product that can help.

Sentinel 522 Odor Puck Waste Tank Odor Eliminator With Foam Control
Sentinel 522 Odor Puck is a water soluble solid block designed to eliminate odors and control foam from the waste water of most truck mounts, portable extractors and auto scrubbers.

Sentinel 505 Smoke & Odor Laundry Wash
Sentinel 505 Smoke & Odor Laundry Wash is a concentrated cleaner used to wash and remove stains and odors from clothes and other machine-washable items. Though designed for use on clothing and other soft goods after a fire, Sentinel 505 can be used in any situation where odors are an issue. Use Sentinel 505 in place of your usual laundry detergent or as a pre-treater for tough stains and odors.

Sentinel 522 Smoke & Odor Cleaner & Destroyer
Sentinel 522 Smoke & Odor Cleaner and Destroyer is a unique formulation designed to clean and degrease soils and stains while removing all types of malodors. Sentinel 522 is a safe, biodegradable, concentrated water based product that destroys odors rather than masking them while leaving a fresh scent behind. Sentinel 522 can be used on all types of restoration and remediation projects such as fire/soot, water, sewage, feces/urine, petroleum spills, tobacco, bio hazard, hoarding and pet/organic odors. Use Sentinel 522 on all porous or non-porous structural surfaces, building materials and contents that can be wet cleaned. Sentinel 522 can be applied with a variety of applicators such as sprayers, foamers and foggers.
Note: For best results, before using this product to rid a space of unwanted odors, first clean the dirt, grease, grime, smoke, and soot from floors walls, ceilings and other surfaces with Sentinel 315 Carbon & Soot Cleaner/Wash.
This product is also available in a fragrance-free formula:

Sentinel 522RW Smoke & Odor Restoration Cleaning Wipes
Sentinel 522RW Smoke & Odor Destroyer Restoration Wipes offer the same formula as the Sentinel 522 but in a towelette wipe. Each Sentinel 522RW towel is pre-soaked with Sentinel 522 Smoke & Odor Destroyer and is ready-to-use.
Note: For best results, before using this product to rid a space of unwanted odors, first clean the dirt, grease, grime, smoke, and soot from floors walls, ceilings and other surfaces with Sentinel 315 Carbon & Soot Cleaner/Wash.

Sentinel 522OB Odor Destroyer Block
Sentinel 522OB Odor Destroyer Block is a convenient semisolid product which can be used in a variety
of locations and spaces to remove unwanted odors. 522OB is fresh scented and will block and destroy odors
at their source.

Sentinel 531 Smoke & Odor Counteractant
Sentinel 531 Smoke & Odor Counteractant is a concentrated odor control product formulated to knock down strong odors commonly associated with restoration projects. Sentinel 531 is designed to be atomized with an Ultra Low Volume (ULV) fogger or as an additive in conjunction with a degreaser to clean and neutralize odors. Sentinel 531 is a water based formulation resulting in a safe, non-flammable and non-hazardous product.
Note: For best results, before using this product to rid a space of unwanted odors, first clean the dirt, grease, grime, smoke, and soot from floors walls, ceilings and other surfaces with Sentinel 315 Carbon & Soot Cleaner/Wash.

Sentinel 532 Thermal Fogging Solvent-Based Counteractant
Sentinel 532 Thermal Fogging Smoke & Odor Counteractant is a solvent based odor control product specifically designed to be applied and atomized with a thermal fogger. Sentinel 532 is formulated as a space spray to neutralize strong odors within an indoor atmosphere. Sentinel 532 is ready to use.
Note: For best results, before using this product, remove dirt, grease, grime, smoke residues from all surfaces with Sentinel 315 Smoke & Soot Cleaner/wash.

Sentinel 576 Enzyme Cleaner/Pre-Treater & Odor Eliminator
Sentinel 576 Enzyme Cleaner/Odor Eliminator is a powerful biological cleaner and odor eliminator. The multiple complex enzymes in Sentinel 576 breakdown organic molecules commonly found on restoration projects such as blood, urine, feces, vomit, soda, wine, inks, alcohol, coffee, juices, and burnt food soils. Sentinel 576 can also be used as a cleaner and odor control product for Category 2 and Category 3 water losses. Sentinel 576 is a ready-to-use product free of fragrances
Note: For best results, before using this product, remove dirt, grease, grime, smoke residues from all surfaces with Sentinel 315 Smoke & Soot Cleaner/Wash.

Sentinel 586 Fresh Scent Enzyme Cleaner & Odor Eliminator
Sentinel 586 Fresh Scent Enzyme Cleaner & Odor Eliminator is a ready to use, powerful biological cleaner and odor eliminator. The complex enzymes in Sentinel 586 breakdown organic molecules commonly found on restoration projects such as sewage, blood, urine, feces, vomit, soda, wine, inks, alcohol, coffee, juices and burnt food soils. Through the proprietary activation system, Sentinel 586 reacts instantly with organic molecules, keeping it a step ahead of bacteria based products. Sentinel 586 is an excellent pre and post cleaner and odor control product for Category 2 and Category 3 water losses.
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